Re-entry day 2

Well, here's something a bit weird...

I don't usually write about my bowel function in a public forum (or in any forum for that matter!) but I feel that there may even be times when that could be considered appropriate. When, you ask? Now.

So, in the reset phase, one main thing I noticed, that I kindof knew about already, was that when I eat grains, my system locks up and I am constipated for about a week. (Too much detail? Yeah, me too...) Anyway, sure enough, on cutting out the grains, everything worked again. 

But then this weird thing happened ... when I cut out the dairy, my system locked up again! And I was bloated as well as feeling hungry all the time. 

So my first challenge food on the re-entry was definitely going to be dairy. (Yoghurt, cheese, I missed you) And by day 2, my system is all go again. I do not understand this, but it is definitely a thing. It seems I need something that only dairy can give me.

I need to do my measurements again tomorrow, as when I did them on Monday, I had lost weight, but not any cms. Now, I think, with the bloating and waste products gone, there might well be a difference in measurements that would reflect the weight loss. I certainly feel a lot better and I don't need to eat so much to feel satisfied.

Just a short post today, but I really wanted to share. Aren't bodies weird things? And every one different from the others...


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