Re-entry day 6
The re-entry phase is so important, people!
I think I am discovering as many interesting (sortof) things about my body in this phase of things as I did in the reset phase.
Not only have I discovered that dairy is good for me in the first re-entry part, but I have also noticed a couple of other things as well.
Last weekend, I was out birthday shopping with my daughter. We stopped in at a cafe and I had a little cake for morning tea, to keep her company (our birthdays are very close together, she's turning twelve, I'm turning a lot older than that). It was grain free, which was good (almond flour for the win!) but it did have sugar in. I didn't notice any sugar rush or anything, but boy did I feel the come-down! That afternoon I was so droopy and I felt totally meh.
So that's it, sugar is out. It pretty much was anyway, but that just reinforced it.
The other thing, that I totally didn't expect, is my reaction to bringing red meat back in. I've probably been off it for a month, because I dawdled in the reset phase. Then in the latter part of this week, we had three dinners in a row with red meat in.
I am too old to have major zit breakouts!
But that is what I have. And not just the one squeeze and they're gone type, o no, these are the manky, big, sore ones on my back and neck that are just gross and ick!
Not only that, but I have had my first night sweats in over a month, and also those middle of the night wake ups where your mind starts spinning all the bad stuff, and getting back to sleep is just not a thing. The kind of things that you didn't really notice that they had stopped, but when they come back, you go, o yeah, hmm, I haven't missed that at all.
Conclusion from that - I will be limiting my red meat intake. I don't want to give it up entirely, but leaving it out during the reset was actually not too difficult, so I am good with small amounts and not often. Also, we have just moved onto a 5-acre block, so I will be setting up the paddocks and getting some of our own stock in there as soon as possible. Just like with fruit and veges, if I grow my own, I will know what's in it.
Hormones man, they are so random!
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