Reset phase Day 7
Yes, well, I don't recommend trying to start the reset phase in the same week as a house move, a major storm and 4 days without power. It just doesn't quite work.
So I haven't completely started again, but I started part 2 today, instead of on Thursday, and I've kindof written off the last week as okay, but wonky. Several days of necessary takeaways will do that to you...
One main thing that I have realised this week is that it is all about organisation. I started the week with a plan and a fridge full of the right things. Breakfasts and lunches are pretty straight forward, but I needed to make sure that I knew what I was going to do for dinner, so that I didn't just default to something with mince when I got home.
I have noticed this in particular because the last week has been impossible to organise.
The best laid plans and all that; I ended up throwing away the best part of my fridge and freezer contents.
(I'm working off the reflection and realisations journal thingy, so here goes with the rest)
My second realisation is that coffee tastes rubbish without sugar in (I only have one, but the difference is huge!). This will be good when I get to the no caffeine phase, but it is very difficult to work out quite what to do at the moment. I might have to try some form of rationing. Half a teaspoon?
My third realisation is quite important. Putting my numbers up was quite challenging for me when I compared myself to the others I have seen, but not for the reason you'd think. I'm guessing that some might have seen them and wondered why I am even doing this, as I am not overweight. But losing the last wibbly bits is just as hard as losing the first wibbly bits, and I have been trying to lose those last wibbly bits for quite a while without any success.
I am, as I've said before, reasonably fit, and I'm reasonably healthy, and although I have the odd wine and I love deli food, I don't go nuts. So why is that last few kilos so hard?
I am also post-natal, as I've also said before, and I think I am hitting menopause, so my hormones are wreaking merry havoc. This, I have realised, is the main reason that I am doing this course, to try and help my body find some balance and know just what is going on with itself. Realising that my 'why' is probably quite different to the majority of ladies doing this course has helped me to focus on myself, and not compare.
So, to gratitude - firstly I am so grateful to be in my new house. Now that we are here, I am never moving again, ever!
Secondly I am grateful that we only had four days of no power, some of my friends around the area are into day six, or they've had it come back only to fall off again. And rurally, that is so challenging, because not only do you have no power, but you have no water either - water tanks on a pump go off with the power - and that is the worst part of it.
Thirdly I am grateful for my mum, who apart from being awesome generally, came up and helped us move, in the middle of the power cut, and packed up and then unpacked my whole kitchen. It's a horrible job, which I hate, loathe and detest, but she loves me.
It has been a pretty hellish week actually. But not in terms of the reset. Now that things have - mostly - sorted themselves out, here's hoping the rest goes a bit more to the plan.
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