Reset phase approx day 9
I say approximately, as things have got a little bit out of order, but I am definitely finishing up the no fruit stage and moving into no caffeine, which means that officially it's day 9.
Anyway, sugar, you and I will have to break up. This separation is really working for me and it's going to be a divorce.
I didn't actually think I had that much sugar in my diet, but being really strict on not having any (even in my coffee!) has had two very excellent effects: those wibbly bits are rapidly disappearing, and I feel generally a lot clearer and focussed and motivated - I no longer get to the end of the day and flake because I'm exhausted.
This is very strange. I am assuming that it is the sugar that I'm not having that had that effect on me, but I didn't know that it could be doing that. I knew of course that sugar is bad in terms of weight, everyone does really, and I also knew that getting energy from sugar doesn't last long, so I wasn't consciously doing that either, but somehow, I must have been sugaring up in the day, just enough so that I would feel blurky in the evening.
I must admit, the first couple of days of total no sugar, I felt nauseous. I was wondering if that was because I am not drinking the ginger drink I usually have, which I have discovered has a teaspoon of sugar (mostly honey, but not all) in each sachet. But I actually think it might have been withdrawal. And this is when I honestly didn't think I had much sugar in what I ate.
Now, I feel really good.
But now for the bad news; the next phase, starting tomorrow, is NO COFFEE! I am going to die, there is no way around that fact. Haha, family, get ready for three days of headachy and grumpy Mummy!
I have always maintained that everyone has one addiction, and mine is coffee. I freely admit to it. It's only one a day, but it's a good proper espresso. I am not looking forward to phase 4 at all...
One question I do have, in the phase 4 guidelines, it says:
"It would be really beneficial to add the following supplements that
may help with stress levels, blood sugar, energy, and loaded with
antioxidants. These include A-lipoic acid, CoQ 10, calcium,
magnesium, vitamin C and B’s, chromium, and what I believe to be
one of the most important which is vitamin D."
Is there any way to add these things naturally? Because I don't like to take pills or things that aren't natural. Or how can I tell if I am low in these things? What effect might each have if they're not right? I don't like just taking things that I don't really know what they do or if I actually need them.
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